The History of Perpetual Derivatives Perpetual derivatives have been in use since at least the early 1600's. Here's a quick recap of the three main perpetual derivatives and their history.
Is CeFi less secure than DeFi? We often hear that CeFi is less secure than DeFi. But is that really the case? This article will explore the question in-depth.
Wash trading gone wrong - how a $100M/day crypto exchange accidentally bankrupted itself This is the story of BaseFEX - a crypto exchange that unintentionally bankrupted itself through wash trading. It's a cautionary tale for any crypto exchange looking to get ahead by faking volume - and a solid guide for anyone who knows a bit of coding, and wants to
Was FTX A Ponzi Scheme From The Beginning? What we know: 1. In January 2018, just five months after launching, Alameda Research took a massive loan. The loan totaled $117M, and carried an annual interest rate of 43%. Officially, they needed the loan for doing Kimchi arbitrage - however, it was dubious that they ever did any arbitrage.
The Perpetual Option The Perpetual Option is a funding-based derivative that can express an arbitrary number of payoff functions, including the one used by the Perpetual Future. This document provides a high-level overview of the Perpetual Option.
0+: A Double Digit Sharpe HFT Strategy Ever wondered how HFT strategies work? Today, we'll explore the 0+ HFT strategy - a strategy that has been practiced for decades by various HFT firms - but remains largely unknown to the public. 0+ is all about speed and market microstructure. If you can't be
How An Obscure OTC-Traded Derivative From the 80's Took Over Crypto This is the story of the perpetual future - a financial derivative that went from being an obscure OTC-traded derivative that nobody cared about - to being the largest and most successful derivative in the crypto space, trading more than $18T annually. The Inception: Late 1980's Hong Kong
Everstrike Launches First Floating Strike Perpetual Options Dubbed as “the perpetual future of options”, the floating strike perpetual option is a novel type of option that doesn’t expire, and that remains relevant in perpetuity. It was originally introduced in May 2021, by Paradigm researcher Dave White, in a paper titled Everlasting Options. “Perpetual options give traders
How Exchanges Handle Position Liquidations: A Brief Overview Liquidation procedures vary widely across crypto exchanges. This article provides an overview of the most popular ones. Full, Immediate Liquidation * Your position is transferred to the liquidation engine at its bankruptcy price. Duration: 0 seconds. Time: Immediately after your liquidation price is hit. Result: -100% equity. Fees: No fees. You